Meet Kelvin: The Leo Project’s Director of IT.

Kelvin has always been passionate about working with technology. In primary school, he had a friend who was really good with computers. Later in college, he majored in Computer Science where he did work with problem solving through IT. Through this online work, he met Jess Danforth, and this is how he began working with The Leo Project.

At The Leo Project, Kelvin handles all of the IT activities. From student management using Microsoft forms, they log in the 100-150 students a day. Right now, he is looking to implement a card swiping system that will store all of the student’s information and allow easy access into The Leo Project facilities.

Kelvin also leads the computer classes, including content and curriculum creation. At the start of January, there were the first two batches of computer classes. These consisted of 70-100 students who were completely new to computers. A three month-long training, these January classes were to graduate in April, however due to COVID-19, this was postponed. To keep students engaged, Kelvin created an e-learning portal which has been a large endeavor for The Leo Project. On this portal, students have access to the lessons that Kelvin creates, tutoring, and a COVID-19 information tab.

Kelvin enjoys teaching computer skills because of the change it has in the lives of students. When enrolling for computer courses, some students didn’t even know how to turn on the computer. However, after instruction, the students were able to apply these skills practically in their own lives. Kelvin notes the experiences of one student who runs a beehive organization. This student was able to write a proposal with what he learned from The Leo Project, take it to the county government, and receive funding for his organization. Another student, after learning Microsoft Excel, convinced her father who owns a shop to buy a computer and make the transition from handwritten pay books to online storage.

Zodiac Sign? (It's The Leo Project, we had to ask)

I'm a Taurus 

Where do you seek inspiration?

Music, traveling, inspirational movies, books, and my family.

How do you stay grounded?

I use positive affirmations as a grounding technique. I'm also inclined to the practice of serving others.

Who do you admire and why?

Denzel Hayes Washington - He dominates the concept of classic movie stardom by associating with characters defined by humanity, inners strength, dignity, and grace.

How do you start your day? Coffee or tea?

Coffee. It literally jump-starts me.

Favorite book or podcast?

Trevor Noah's Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood

Do you have any words you live by?

'The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do'

What is the best advice that you have ever received?

That luck and success is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.

Pet peeves?

Slow internet and stomach growls 

What is your spirit animal?

A horse

If you made a documentary, what would it be about?

Wildbeasts migration at the Maasai Mara 


the beginning.


Meet Naomi: The Leo Project’s Social Worker.