Meet nicola

The Leo Project introduces its newest team member, Nicola Cox, a Certified Play Therapist, with great enthusiasm.  Nicola will provide expertise in emotional literacy, play therapy, and classroom management to support children and teachers of our partner schools.  Additionally, Nicola will offer mentoring in emotional wellbeing and mother/child bonding at The Caitlin O’Hara Medical Clinic and counseling services at our Youth Hub. Over the last year, Nicola has delivered monthly sessions advising the Leo team on child-behavior recognition and management techniques as well as group meditation. 

Nicola graduated from the University of Warwick In 2004 and has worked ten years in primary education.  She believes that ‘play’ is the most important language of childhood and that through play and creative art techniques, children can find safe ways to alleviate psychological and emotional conditions.  

What do you love about being a mother?

Having three crazy little people, all with such different personalities and qualities. They are my greatest teachers and make every day an adventure. 

Who or what do you derive inspiration from?

I get my inspiration from the people and experiences I fill my life with. I’ve had some amazing teachers along the way. ‘You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do’ - Carl Jung.

What is your favourite way to relax?

I bask in the Kenyan sun, meditate with a view of the mountain,  draw mandalas or simply get out and dance! 

What is your Zodiac sign?

Fire sign Leo 

What is your favorite song to sing along to?

Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

What are some ways you enjoy playing?

I believe play and creativity are essential ingredients to positive wellbeing throughout life, and right now my young kids help to keep the spontaneity and playfulness alive everyday. My individual playtime (when I get the chance), is the exhilaration of the fast down hill through Mt Kenya forest on my bike. Can’t beat it!


Meet alex


Dance And self-expression